Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Missionary from Colombia/Un Misionero de Colombia

Missionary Rafael Gomez from Colombia came to our church to present his work to Cartagena de Indias, located on the north side of the country.  He graduated from Bible College in Puerto Rico.  The Lord has called him to go back to his country and win his people to Christ.  Our people were blessed with his visit tonight!
Missionary Rafael Gomez and Pastor Ortiz
Misionero Rafael Gomez y el Pastor Ortiz
Misionero Rafael Gomez de Colombia vino a nuestra iglesia a presentar su obra a Cartagena de Indias, localizado en el norte del pais.  El se graduo de Colegio Biblico en Puerto Rico.  El Señor lo ha llamado a regresar a su pais y ganar a su gente para Cristo.  ¡Nuestra gente fue bendecida con su visita esta noche!

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