Monday, September 13, 2010

Missionary Luis Garcia from Villa Corona, Jalisco Mexico/Misionero Luis Garcia de Villa Corona, Jalisco Mexico

Missionary Luis Garcia and his family
Misionero Luis Garcia y su familia
This is one of the 42 missionaries our church supports, Missionary Luis Garcia and his family, from Villa Corona Jalisco, Mexico.  Bro. Garcia was in our church last night and gave us an update of the great things God is doing in Villa Corona.  He also preached a great message to our poeple from Philippians 1:6 telling us that our investment in Villa Corona will be fulfilled by He who began the work through us.  It was an encouragement to all of us and no doubt we were challenged to keep investing in the mission field.  Bro. Luis and his family were a great blessing to us and our people were very happy to see them come home for a visit.  Thank you Bro. Luis and Susana for doing a great job and making our investment count in Heaven.  We love you!

Este es uno de los 42 misioneros que nuestra iglesia sostiene, Misionero Luis Garcia y su familia, en Villa Corona, Jalisco Mexico.  El Hno. Garcia estuvo en nuestra iglesia noche y nos dio un reporte de las grandes cosas que Dios esta haciendo en Villa Corona.  El tambien predico un gran mensaje a nuestra gente de Filipenses 1:6 diciendonos que nuestra inversion en Villa Corona sera cumplida por El que comenzo la obra a traves de nosotros.  Fue de gran animo a nosotros y sis duda fuimos retados a seguir inviertiendo en el campo misionero.  El

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