Friday, October 8, 2010

Pastor Luis Martinez from Ceiba, Puerto Rico/Pastor Luis Martinez de Ceiba, Puerto Rico

Pastor Luis Martinez is our main speaker in our 3rd Annual Mens' Retreat "Quit Ye Like Men."  We are glad he was able to come and bring his wife with him.  He has done a great job teaching.  The men have been blessed by the tremendous sessions we have had these past two nights.

El Pastor Luis Martinez es nuestro conferencista principal en nuestro 3er Retiro Anual de Varones, "Portaos Varonilmente."  Estamos contentos que el haya podido venir y traer a su esposa con el.  El ha hecho un buen trabajo enseñando.  Los varones han sido bendecidos por las tremendas sesiones que hemos tenido estas dos pasadas noches.

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