Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Abraham Avila, Missionary to Peru/Abraham Avila, Misionero a Peru

Last Sunday we had the privilege of having Missionary to Peru, Abraham Avila and his family.  They visited our church this past weekend and he presented his work and call to Peru to our people Sunday night.  They both grew up in Chicago and were reached through the bus ministry of the First Baptist Church of Hammond.  His wife Fabiola was a little girl in the Spanish Department when I was Assistant Pastor to Dr. Elmer Fernández who at the time was the Spanish Pastor.  Bro. Avila and his family were involved in a car wreck a few weeks ago that now they live to tell about it.  It was definitely a miracle of God they survived the wreck!  Please pray for them as they battle with medical bills and the litigations in order to get them paid.

El domingo pasado tuvimos el privilegio de tener al Misionero Abraham Avila y su familia.  Ellos visitaron nuestra iglesia este pasado fin de semana y él presentó su obra y llamado a Perú a nuestra gente el domingo en la noche.  Ambos de ellos crecieron en Chicago y fueron alcanzados por el ministerio de rutas de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Hammond.  Su esposa Fabiola era una pequeña niña en el departamento hispano cuando yo era Asistente de Pastor del Dr. Elmer Fernández quien era el Pastor Hispano en ese tiempo.  El Hno. Avila y su familia estuvieron envueltos en un accidente de carro unas semanas atrás y ahora viven para hablar de ello.  ¡Fue definitivamente un milagro de Dios que ellos sobrevivieron el accidente!  Por favor oren por ellos mientras batallan con los gastos médicos y las litigaciones para conseguir que se los paguen.

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